Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOV. 15>23, 2024, Nantes France

Home > Films > My Sister Lucy

My Sister Lucy
(Sestra moja Ljusia)


This is the first year after the war in a small Kazakh village. Kalva, a Russian woman who lost her husband at the front, settles in the village with her 12-year-old daughter where they live with Aigul, a Kazakh woman who lives by herself with her 7- year-old boy. The story is told by this child who has now become an adult: this is the time of education in feelings and emotions, in nature and in the men who surround him in crual times.

  • Titre français
    Ma sœur Lucie
  • Original title
    Sestra moja Ljusia
  • Titre international
    My Sister Lucy
  • Scénario
    Anatoli Kim
  • Photo
    Gueorgui Guidt
  • Musique
    Nikolaï Karetnikov
  • Interprétation
    Khamar Adambeva, Olga Ostrooumova, Nikolaï Grinko, Anouar Moldabekov, Larissa Velikotskaïa, Maoulen Khalykov
  • Production
  • Support de projection
    35 mm
  • Sous-titrage

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