Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

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Young audiences program


Since 1979, the Festival des 3 Continents has been committed to making the world’s cinemas more readable by focusing more sharply on African, Asian and Latin American cinema. The Festival’s geographical specialization is what sets it apart, to the extent that its expertise is recognized the world over.

The insatiable curiosity that guides our choices also leads us to seek a point of balance between two polarities: on the one hand, precision in the selection of works, and on the other, simplicity of access. Our public is always eager to know a little more and want to broaden its horizons.  In this way, we hope to stimulate and maintain the interest of our audience.

The Festival des 3 Continents’ desire to explore is also characterized by a desire to initiate young audiences. Each year, the festival introduces young audiences to African, Latin American and Asian cinema through :
– The Premiers Pas vers les 3 Continents program
– A series of 8-10 films with a common theme : Nous, Cosmopolites (We Cosmopolitans)

These programs are only available in French : Premiers Pas and Nous, Cosmopolites (We Cosmopolitans)

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