Under huge skies and a boudless horizon, an old bus is blown along an almost invisible road. Among the travellers is a young schoolteacher assigned to a remote village at the outermost bounds of a sandy wilderness. Suddenly, the deep and monotonous echo of a song resonates in the midst of the silence : it is an Andalusian chant which is like a call in the sand. Then, as in a dream, figures appear like statues of salt – they are the surveyors of the desert…
Home > Films > The Surveyors Of The Desert
The Surveyors Of The Desert
by Nacer KHEMIR
- Tunisie
- 1984
- Fiction
- Couleur
- 95′
- Arabic
- 35 mm
- Titre français
Les Baliseurs du désert - Titre international
The Surveyors Of The Desert - Scénario
Nacer Khémir - Photo
Georges Barsky - Montage
Moufida Tlatli - Interprétation
Soufiane Makni, Noureddine Kasbaoui, Sonia Ichti, Abdeladhim Abdelhak, Hédi Daoud, Nacer Khémir - Production
France Média S.A., Latif Production et la S.A.T.P.E.C. - Prix obtenus
Montgolfière d'Or F3C 1984
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