Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOV. 15>23, 2024, Nantes France

Home > Films > Kôchiyama Sôchun

Kôchiyama Sôchun
(Kôchiyama Sôchun)


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In a seedy district of Edo, Sôshun Kôchiyama owns
an inn where gambling is rife. To make up for her
younger brother Hirokô’s mistakes, Onami, a
young woman running a sake stall, has no choice
but to sell her body. Hearing what she has to do,
Sôshun Kôchiyama and his associate, wandering
samurai Ichinojô Kaneko, decide to protect the
two youngsters even at the cost of their own lives.
Considered a masterpiece of Japanese cinema,
Kôchiyama Sôshun is one of the three films made
by film-maker Yamanaka Sadao.

  • Titre français
    Kôchiyama Sôchun
  • Original title
    Kôchiyama Sôchun
  • Scénario
    Sintaro Minura & Sadao Yamanaka
  • Adaptation
    d’après une pièce Kawatake Mokuami
  • Photo
    Harumi Machii
  • Musique
    Goro Nishi
  • Interprétation
    Chojuro Kawarasaki, Utaemon Nakamura, Shizue Yamagishi, Setsuko Hara
  • Ventes internationales

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