Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > Jiraya the Ninja

Jiraya the Ninja
(Gôketsu Jiraya)

by Shôzô MAKINO


Left without a family after his vassals betrayed
him, the last heir of the lord of Higo, Ogata Shûma
Hiroyuki (Jiraiya), leaves to get trained in the ninja
art with the hermit frog living on mount Myôkô
in Echigo, in order to avenge for his family. This
is one of the last films Makino Shôzô, the father
of Japanese cinema, and his favourite actor Onoe
Matsunosuke, from the Senbonza theatre, made
together. Their collaboration started in 1909. It is
also supposed to be the first Japanese film to ever
use special effects.

  • Titre français
    Jiraya the Ninja
  • Original title
    Gôketsu Jiraya
  • Interprétation
    Onoe Matsunosuke
  • Ventes internationales
    NFC (National Film Center of Tokyo)

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