Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > Another Dawn

Another Dawn
(Distinto amanecer)

by Julio BRACHO


Octavio, a militant labor organizer tries to obtain documents carried by an assassinated leader. The documents in question expose the activities f a corrupt governor. Octavio is pursued by hired agent of the governor. During the chase, Octavio takes refuge in a movie house where he meets Julieta, a former colleague at the university. She invites him to her place, where he meets her husband, another former colleague, a frustrated writer who has become a functionary. Together, the three friends manage to catch the agent who will be killed by Julieta. The relationship between Julieta and her husband becomes tense due ti financial problems. Julieta takes a job in a cabaret Her husband disappears and Octavio stays with Julieta.

  • Titre français
    Une aube différente
  • Original title
    Distinto amanecer
  • Titre international
    Another Dawn
  • Scénario
    Julio Bracho
  • Photo
    Gabriel Figueroa
  • Montage
    Gloria Schoemann
  • Interprétation
    Andrea Palma, Pedro Armendariz, Alberto Galan, Narciso Busquets, Beatriz Ramos, Paco Fuentes, Octavio Martinez, Felipe Montoya, Enrique Uthoff, Maruja Grifell, Manuel Arvide, Lucila Bowling, Manuel Dondé.
  • Production
    Films Mundiales, Emilio Gomez Muriel
  • Support de projection
    35 mm
  • Sous-titrage

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