Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > Calling all ships

Calling all ships
(Aviso aos navegantes)

by Watson MACEDO

Frederico is a stowaway on a transatlantic liner. He is spotted by Azulão, the ship’s cook, who promises not to tell on Frederico if he agréés to work for him in the kitchen. Meanwhile, Alberto, the captain, receives a radio telegram informing him that there is a dangerous international spy on board. To complicate things further, passports change hands… Alberto tries to seduce the leading actress of a theatre company who is also coveted by a fake prince, while Azulão tries to keep Frederico away from the sinister Professor Scaramouche’s tribulations and hypnotic attempts…

  • Titre français
    Avis aux navigants
  • Original title
    Aviso aos navegantes
  • Titre international
    Calling all ships
  • Scénario
    Watson Macedo
  • Photo
    Edgar Brasil
  • Montage
    Waldemar Noya
  • Son
    Oswaldo Alves
  • Interprétation
    Oscarito, Grande Otelo, Anselmo Duarte, Eliana, José Lewgoy, Adelaide Chiozzo, Sergio de Oliveira, Ivon Curi, Mara Rubia, Glauce Rocha, Yara Isabel, Inah Malagutti, Jaime Ferreira, Walter Jardim, Cuquita Carballo, Bene Nunes et son orchestre, Ruy Res et son orchestre, Juliana Yanakiewa et son corps de ballet
  • Production

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