Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOV. 15>23, 2024, Nantes France

Home > Films > L’Émigrant

(Emigrant (russe & tadjik) )



Kamil (Kamil Yarmatov) is one of the best farm worker of a Tajikistan collective farm. He lives happily with his wife until the arrival of saboteur Nuredtin – former Soviet citizen who preferred to flee to Afghanistan, but returned to fight against the Soviet regime. Kamil, who dislikes the changes in traditions and daily life caused by this new regime, abandons his wife and decides to go to a country where he believes he can find a true Islam, Afghanistan. But after residing there, he discovers the alleged vices that company and guaranty religious traditions. He then decides to return to Tajikistan.

L’Emigrant, d’une trame narrative très simple, s’adresse directement à un public local et vise à casser à la fois la chaîne de la tradition et le rapport aux aînés. Il s’agit du premier film de Kamil Yarmatov, « père fondateur » du cinéma tadjik, mais qui sera aussi – et pendant de nombreuses années – le directeur des stu­dios ouzbeks, où il signe d’ailleurs certains grands films comme Alisher Navoi (1947), véritable patrimoine national de l’Ouzbékistan actuel.

This is “the founding father of Tajik cinema” Kamil Yarmatov’s first movie. It is also the first Tajil film ever produced. Kamil Yarmatov will also run – and for many years – the Uzbek studios, where he also signed some great films such as Alisher Navoi (1947), a true national heritage of Uzbekistan today.

  • Titre français
  • Original title
    Emigrant (russe & tadjik)
  • Scénario
    NikolaÏ Istritsky
  • Photo
    Leonid Sazonov
  • Musique
    Ikbol Zavkibekov (Tadjikistan)
  • Interprétation
    interprètesKamil Yarmatov, S. Tuibaeva, Zhuzhunov-Nezhdanov, Badiah-ata

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