Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOV. 15>23, 2024, Nantes France

Home > Films > The Insomnia of a Serial Dreamer

The Insomnia of a Serial Dreamer
(Yawm Bila Ghad)

by Mohamed SOUEID

Fadi Abi Samra Imitating his Late Professor

To deal with his insomnia, Mohamed Soueid meets various people and close friends to ask them to tell him stories that could help him get a good night’s sleep. After filming for 15 years, the collected rushes have become a film, a series of dreams that have come true and haunted the filmmaker until today.

  • Titre français
    Un jour sans lendemain
  • Original title
    Yawm Bila Ghad
  • Titre international
    The Insomnia of a Serial Dreamer
  • Scénario
    Mohamed SOUEID
  • Cadre
    Pamela GHANIMEH, Bassem FAYAD, Wajdi ELIAN, Mohamed SOUEID
  • Montage
    Mohamed SOUEID
  • Son
    Wajdi ELIAN, Rawad HOBEIKA
  • Ratio

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