Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > Mission without return

Mission without return
(Torao jiannum milsa)

by SHIN Sang-ok

This film deals with the struggle for independence at the turn of the century. It features a fascinating re-enactment of the 1907 press conference in The Hague, where Korea became the unhappy plaything of the main imperial powers. In a last-ditch effort to save his country, the emperor sent an official delegation, but the emissary was ultimately betrayed and harakiri’d in front of the diplomats to symbolize his ultimate resistance to the tyranny of Japanese occupation.

  • Titre français
    Mission sans retour
  • Original title
    Torao jiannum milsa
  • Titre international
    Mission without return
  • Scénario
    Sin Sang-Ok
  • Photo
    Sin Sang-Ok
  • Interprétation
    Kim Chun-Sik, Ryang Hai-Seung, Kim Yun-Hong, Kim Chong-Hwa, Kim Ok-Hi
  • Production
    Sin Sang-Ok

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