Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOV. 15>23, 2024, Nantes France

Home > Films > Beaten


by Alan COTON


Justine, a fifteen-years-old-girl, lives with her mother and stepfather. She starts flirting with her stepfather, provoking the murder of her mother and stepfather. She runs away from home, crazy, just dressed with a nightgown. Ivan, a police detective, who practices torture as daily routine, is reduced to the rank of street cop. Ivan looks for her all night long. Justine gets picked up on the street by two cops; they take her to their headquarters. They treat her like a slave and rape her. Ivan crosses paths with her. He rescues her and takes her to the Police Station. When asked what happened to her, she tells them a quite different story. Ivan and Justine finally find what they’ve been looking for.

  • Titre français
    La volée
  • Original title
  • Titre international
  • Scénario
    Alan Coton
  • Photo
    Esteban de Llaca
  • Montage
    Alan Coton, Valentin Toriz
  • Son
    Miguel Molina
  • Musique
    Christian Arvesen
  • Interprétation
    Dagoberto Gama, Claudia Soberon
  • Décors
    Magdalena Illoldi

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