In a secondary school on the outskirts of Paris, a young French teacher sets about to stage Marivaux’s Le Jeu de l’amour et du chance by Marivaux. Frida plays Sylvia and her friend friend Lydia as Lisette. Abdelkrim, known as ‘Abdelkrim, known as ‘Krimo’, only has eyes for Lydia but doesn’t dare speak to her. talk to her. He goes to Rachid to buy the role of Harlequin in order to approach her.
- France
- 2003
- Fiction
- Couleur
- 117′
- French
- Titre français
L’Esquive - Scénario
Ghalya LACROIX - Photo
Lubomir BAKCHEV - Montage
Ghalya LACROIX, Antonella BEVENJA - Son
Nicolas WASHKOWSKI - Musique
Chaba Zahouania ZAHOUANIA, Cheb HASNI, Aïwa, Luis VARGAS, Isabelle OLIVIER, Nedeljko BILKIC, Antoine BANVILLE - Interprétation
Osman ELKHARRAZ, Sara FORESTIER, Sabrina OUAZANI - Production
Lola Films, Noé Productions, CinéCinéma - Distribution
Rezo Films - Ratio