Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOV. 15>23, 2024, Nantes France

Home > Films > Un héros

Un héros
(O herói)

by Zézé GAMBOA


The country is Angola, the city Luanda. The story of a man, with the war as a background. Vitorio lost a leg when he stepped on a mine. Demobilized, he wanders in the streets of Luanda, slowly discovering that war is still on at every street corner. With Joana, he dreams of an impossible love. With Judite, he becomes a human being again. With Manu, he makes up a potential family for himself.

  • Titre français
    Un héros
  • Original title
    O herói
  • Scénario
    Carla Batista, Pierre-Marie Goulet
  • Photo
    Mario Masini
  • Montage
    Anna Ruiz
  • Son
    Gita Cerveira
  • Musique
    David Linx, Diederik Wissels
  • Interprétation
    Oumar Makéno Diop, Milton Coelho, Neusa Borges, Maria Celça, Patricia Bull
  • Distribution
    Eurozoom : helene@eurozoom.fr

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