Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOV. 15>23, 2024, Nantes France

Home > Films > Life on a String

Life on a String
(Bian Zou Bian Chang)

by CHEN Kaige

Life on a String

Two blind musicians, an old man and his disciple, are travelling through the desert. The old one is told that when he has broken 1000 strings on his banjo, his blindness will be cured. The young one however, would rather fall in love than play – but when his lover dies he too would like to regain his sight.

Finally, the old man breaks his 1000 but still he remains blind. Before the old  man dies, his disciple asks him if there’s any way ever to see. The old man replies : “Just keep on playing ! ”

  • Titre français
    La Vie sur un fil
  • Original title
    Bian Zou Bian Chang
  • Titre international
    Life on a String
  • Scénario
    Chen Kaige
  • Photo
    Gu Changwei
  • Montage
    Pei Xiaonan
  • Musique
    Qu Xiaosong
  • Interprétation
    Liu Zhongyuan, Huang Lei, Xu Qing, Ma Ling, Zhang Jinzhan
  • Production
    Pandora Films en association avec Film Four International, Herald Ace Inc. Cine Company S.A., Diva Films S.R.L., Beijing film Studio, China Film co-production Corp. Berlin Film Fund.
  • Support de projection
    35 mm

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