Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > Harmonica

(Saz Dahani)

by Amir NADERI


In the South of Iran, on the edge of the Persian Golf, a boy from a well-to-do family is given harmonica. He takes advantage of the admiration his harmonica inspires to exploit the other boys. Among them is a very poor boy who is willing to accept any humiliation in order to have the harmonica even for a few seconds. One day, finally, he rebels and frees himself from the harmonica and from its owner’s domination.

  • Titre français
  • Original title
    Saz Dahani
  • Titre international
  • Scénario
    Amir Naderi
  • Photo
    Alireza Zarindast
  • Montage
    Sohrab Chahid Saales
  • Interprétation
    Mohmoud Goudaarzi, Mehdi Javadi, Chahla Darvichi, Mahmoud Vafabakhch, Eshagh Ahadzadeh, Abbas Ra'issi, Jom'eh Tanini
  • Production
    Institut pour le développement intellectuel des enfants et jeunes adultes
  • Support de projection
    35 mm

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